Affinity Projects was founded with the purpose of “helping people who cannot help themselves”. Our intent is to provide resources to individuals and families in distressful circumstances.  We are looking for monthly sponsors and collaborative partnerships to help with donations for the benefit of our community.  We feel that this giving back should be supported by a safe, sanctioned place for these people in need to bring joy, and a sense of caring during back to the community. Our organization is dedicated to the process of making that happen but we need your help.

Your donation will help us provide the services and fill the needs in our communities. Many business and community leaders are on board as well as hundreds of individuals. Our community is clearly excited and eager to help our many projects succeed. You can be a part of that excitement by supporting our goals of helping our community with a donation.  We are happy to acknowledge your donation on our website and at our numerous events, (unless you prefer otherwise). Affinity projects is a non-profit organization (501c3) and your donation is tax-deductible.

I would like to thank you for considering this opportunity to partner with our organization for raising funds. If you have any queries regarding our organization, our fund management policy, or the projects themselves, please feel free to contact me at www.affinityprojects.org

Story About Us

Who are we?

Affinity Projects was founded with the purpose of helping people with noteworthy causes. We view ourselves as a catalyst to help and guide those who are suffering from unfortunate circumstances, but who are currently not in the economic, health and financial position to help themselves.

Urgent Cause

Forgotten Veterans are Dying Waiting on Treatment

Forgotten Veterans are Dying Waiting on Treatment Forgotten Veterans I’m starting this page for veterans that need medical treatment from a service related injury and have been left to suffer. #helpvetsgettreatment #pma U.S. veterans are dying because of delays in diagnosis and treatment at VA hospitals polska-ed.com. At least..
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You have the power to make a difference by donating to those in need via our causes.

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All donations to Affinity Projects Inc, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, are tax-deductible. Affinity Projects Inc Tax ID is 47-5222061